
2022-10-08 - 2022-10-08






We have established a list of blue chips that we will acquire right after the mint, but that can change as the market is very volatile so we will make an announcement 6h before each purchase and inform our community about any important decisions. - After each purchase an individual section for each of the provided channels will be created with the most important information. - We will not share every channel as there is no use for that and it would also take too much space in our own discord, so only the channels with the most important information will be provided. - As there will be many sections we will keep our own section small, with only the most useful channels (the current setup will be changed after mint). Each NFT we acquire will be staked if possible and all the gains will be shared with the whole community.First phase will be an easy task for the early insiders, however during the next phases difficulty will increase. Community engagement - You can get Insidelisted by engaging in our chat channels and by bonding with the community. We value quality over quantity, don't spam or ask for Insidelist. Bring innovative and useful information to our circle, Insiders creativity - Be creative! You can post your fan art, emojis, stickers and memes for the Insiders on #@| fan-art. The most oustanding will be awarded with.

Tags: #art

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