
2022-09-15 - 2022-09-15




Community to provide creative (CTPC) History has proved to us the value of community creativity. In the foreseeable future, the CTPC will become a new trend of NFT. In this model, the project is responsible for providing the basic framework and function expansion of NFT. The content of NFT is completely up to the buyer to decide. The significance of it is not only gathers the creativity of the public, it also makes NFT deeply related to buyers. It is much more interesting than simply buying and selling NFT. In the traditional NFT model, people often buy some NFTs they like, but in the CTPC model that people can create their favorite NFTs. Take the Metaverse license plate as an example. When people make their favorite digits, anniversaries, birthdays, idols' names and beliefs on Metaverse the license plate which has an inseparable relationship with them. This is impossible in traditional model. Imagining that a blank Metaverse license plate which after your design and creativity which is proud of the value has multiplied 10 times or even 100 times.

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